Jim Sweeney

I've been in love with all things Japanese since an early age. This blog covers Anime, Food, Language, and travel tips for this amazing country!

Jim Sweeney

Does armin survive?

However, Armin is saved when Eren’s ” Coordinate ” power suddenly activates, causing the Titans to attack first the Smiling Titan and then the Armored Titan. This allows Armin to retrieve a horse, and carry a wounded Jean to safety. We discovered At the time, Armin only believed he would be killing Titans, which, again, …

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Does armin turn into a titan?

Explosive Transformation: Armin can unleash a massive explosion when transforming into his Titan. He used this to great effect during the Raid on Liberio, devastating the Marleyan navy with his transformation and sending massive shockwaves inland. After the battle of Shiganshina District, he took the power of the Titans from Bertholdt Hoover and became the …

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Does armin live?

However, Armin is saved when Eren’s ” Coordinate ” power suddenly activates, causing the Titans to attack first the Smiling Titan and then the Armored Titan. This allows Armin to retrieve a horse, and carry a wounded Jean to safety. One of the next things we wanted the answer to was; why is Armin’s full …

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Does armin ever use the colossal titan?

Armin also utilized the Colossal Titan’s destructive prowess to decimate a Marleyan port during Attack on Titan season 4’s assault on Liberio, detonating the surrounding area, then trampling whatever remained under those ginormous feet. Weirdly, however, Armin hasn’t transformed since. Moreover, is Armin the Colossal Titan? This Titan has a commanding presence owing to its …

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Do armin die?

Armin almost dies in a battle with Bertolt. After Eren And Armin fool Bertolt with a ruse and enable Eren to escape the scene, Armin sacrifices himself by clinging to the Colossus Titan’s teeth. Bertolt breathes a giant wave of heat and smoke, and Armin struggles to breathe. What would happen to me if Armin …

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When does armin die?

This is a Fan. Fiction-Plot-Bunny, an Idea without place. This Document is specifically for Attack on Titan Ultimate Role, and play. The song ‘Oh Danny Boy’ has been altered in this Fan. Fiction, so all due respect to the original artist. The next thing we wanted the answer to was, is Armin dead in AOT? …

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How old is armin aot?

Armin is and always has been a boy I don’t think this was ever up for discussion The confusion comes from a fan once asking Isayama which girl Mikasa got on best with. He couldn’t think of an answer, so he jokingly said Armin. He did later clarify he was kidding though, and it was …

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