Where was zenitsu born?

Zoro has better feats and better stats in every way. Zero beats the verse, zenitsu is weaker than him, and even if you say that zenitsu is as fast as lightning, zoro is faster, and could one hit zenitsu. Why is healing the inner child so important? Learn how trauma shapes the inner child, while affecting adulthood, and how to seek help for healing.

Zenitsu eventually wished to fight alongside Kaigaku one day, and thus he created a seventh style, ‘Breath of Thunder, Flaming Thunder God’. Zenitsu is a coward; always claiming he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer.

One inquiry we ran across in our research was “Is zenitsu stronger than Tanjiro?”.

Zenitsu is definitely the better one. He’d be able to wound Tanjirou first and take out an injured Tanjirou. However, if we’re judging by where we are in the manga Tanjirou is without a doubt stronger. Zenitsu’s one advantage is his speed and Tanjirou by that point can keep up or even tank the first few injuries.

Zenitsu Agatsuma is a 16 years old young man with a fair complexion. Power and Strengths. Not only does he able to listen to the faineant sound, but he also can sense the inner thinking of a demon or human beings. Jigoro Kuwajima is said to have the master of Breath of Thunder Style.

Is zenitsu the most powerful demon slayer?

But to answer your question, no. Zenitsu is probably one of the weakest if we’re comparing him to any Hashira (current, retired or dead), Tanjiro, Yoriichi, or the former demon slayer, now demon: Kokoshibo.

The manga and anime proved successful, and the story was adapted into a stage play, with upcoming performances as the anime continues. Zenitsu is a powerful Demon Slayer and a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.