Does mikasa kiss eren?

Severing his head from his spine (and thus his Titan transformation), she bids Eren one final goodbye by kissing him. In the fantasy realm, she’s kissing Eren as he falls asleep but the final page of the chapter soon reveals that she’s kissing Eren’s severed head.

When I was writing we ran into the question “Why does Eren love Mikasa?”.

She loves him because he saved her and encouraged her to fight. When Mikasa was nine years old robbers broke into her family’s house because they wanted to sell her and her mother as prostitutes. Eren later came into the house and killed two of the three men.

This of course begs the query “Does Mikasa love Eren romantically?”

Mikasa loves Eren, it’s been evident since the Battle of Trost Arc. But Confirmed when she confesses at the end of season 2. Eren does love her, but he is so driven to destroy his enemies that it’s clouds his actions and thoughts.

Does Mikasa only care about Eren?

There is no denying that Mikasa has been extremely protective of Eren partly because of her awakened powers. But simply crediting her feelings to these powers is something that doesn’t make sense. After all, she has felt like she’s loved Eren for a long time, and outside of a battlefield, her feelings still remain the same.

Does Eren actually hate Mikasa?

To answer in short, no; Eren does not hate Mikasa. In fact, he cares a lot about her. There are multiple instances in the series which prove this. To begin with, Eren has saved Mikasa whenever the latter was in trouble. He rescued her from the robbers who had kidnapped her.

Why does Eren attack Mikasa?

Simple terms Mikasa loves Eren. Eren false hates Mikasa because he doesn’t believe she truly loves him of her own free will. So Eren openly tells her he hates her because he want to hide his true feelings to her and he doesn’t want to get hurt emotionally.

Eren accuses Mikasa of blindly following his orders because of her genetics, and he despises this lack of free will. Assuming Eren’s words are honest, his hatred for Mikasa is an extension of his ceaseless determination to end the war between Eldia and Marley by any means necessary.

Why does mikasa protect eren?

While Eren’s motivations are rooted in anger and vengeance, Mikasa’s are Eren’s sole protection. Her driving force is his safety, which lead her to joining the Scouts. Amidst the entire plot of learning about titans, a few of the unique titans and shocking information about their fellow soldiers, Mikasa’s motivations never changed.

Does Mikasa have a baby?

So yes Mikasa and Eren making a baby is probable, that could be the possible logical continuation of their relationship, and would fit with the themes of the manga very well. Dont get me wrong I dont see a pure classic happy ending, given the current context such end can’t really happen.